How to Create a Functional Entryway


An entryway can often be overlooked. It is the space where most people enter their home, kick off their shoes, and throw down their coats. Although this space is often an after thought, it is just as important as any other space. Your entryway is your first impression… so let’s make sure it’s a good one!

A great entryway is not only beautiful and welcoming, but it is functional. Making entering and exiting your home an easy task. Let’s review the key elements to help make your entryway functional and appealing.


The Key Elements to a Functional Entryway

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The right-sized table: This could be a console, sideboard or dresser. Make sure that it is proportional and to scale with the space.

A chair or bench: This is perfect for allowing yourselves or your guests a place to sit while putting on or taking off their shoes.

Lighting: Invite your guests in with some beautiful layered lighting. Perhaps you have an overhead hanging pendant or chandelier and then a lamp on your console. This layered lighting creates ambiance and is very welcoming.

A mirror: Oops you’ve got something in your teeth! LOL A mirror allows for a quick look before you head out the door.

A small dish for your keys: Having a place to quickly throw those keys when you come in the door makes a world of a difference. No more searching for your mysteriously missing keys!

Storage for hat and mitts: If you don’t have any space in your console to store mitts and hats, try adding a basket with a lid on it. It not only looks great but it add another layer of texture.

A place to hang your coat: No one likes seeing a mound of coats when you walk into someone’s home. If you don’t have a closet then try adding a few wall hooks, so that your guests don’t feel bad leaving their coat just anywhere.

The right-sized rug: Placing a rug that is too small at the entrance makes people feel like they can’t easily enter your home. It makes your guests feel like they are trapped on a small little rectangle!

Decorative accessories: Styling is the cherry on top. It brings in your personality! Try incorporating some greenery for life, art for colour and interest and books for that layered look.


I hope these tips help you to create your own functional entryway! :)

Stay healthy my friends!

Xo Charlee